Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

What I am learning from the Christmas story this year:

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~God didn’t hold on to stability, keeping things as they had always been. No, God came to switch things up, to destabilize the status quo. (Why else would God have chosen to be born as a baby to an unwed teenage mother?)

~God’s birth story isn’t run-of-the-mill, but full of creativity (who else could claim to be born in a stable?) and a desire to connect to ordinary people (lowly shepherds were the first to hear of God’s birth!)

~The good news went way beyond governments and religions and was announced as “good news of great joy for all people”.  This good news wasn’t just about a certain time or a certain place or a certain people. No, this was good news for all people, everywhere, all the time. This was God connecting to creation. 

~Jesus evokes passion in people, not politeness. Look at the shepherds, hurriedly leaving their fields to follow the angels’ instructions. Then after finding Jesus, they ran to tell others, glorifying and praising God as they went. They were passionate!

~Domination must be let go of (I’m talking to you, Herod!), and instead one must learn to do one’s duty and discern what that duty is (Thanks, Magi!). When power is sought, true purpose is lost. Herod lost his purpose because he was so hungry for power. The wise men were committed to doing their duty to the new king, and learning that this meant not returning to Herod. 

~Jesus’ birth, life, and death all point to vindication of “sinners” and never vengeance upon the enemy. Jesus’ birth was announced with peace on earth! Jesus told us to love our enemies, to not hit back, and to not judge. His death was the perfect example of forgiveness, showing us how he came to save and not condemn.  

~Mary maintained a heart of thankfulness in the midst of threatening situations. Hers was not an easy road to walk, yet she did so with grace and dignity. 

~God didn’t want to maintain order or God would’ve remained in heaven. Instead God was born on earth in order to create opportunities for all, opportunities for life, opportunities for abundant life! How did Jesus do this? By showing us that God is a part of us, and that we are children of the Divine, loved so deeply and cared for in ways we cannot imagine. (See Galatians 4:4-7 and John 10:10)

And so, may I walk away from this Christmas and into a new year ready to live differently, creatively, and with connectivity. May I only believe in good news that resonates with all people, all the time, everywhere. May I live passionately, discerning and doing my duty, which is to work toward forgiveness, while maintaining a thankful heart for the abundant life that’s been revealed to me as a beloved child of God. 

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