Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Walking to Easter: 7th Station of the Cross

= 1382

Jesus takes on our suffering

Isaiah 63:7-9 (The Voice)

So let me remind you of the Eternal’s enduring love, and why we should praise Him. Let me tell you again how the Eternal gives and gives and gives. All God’s wonders and goodness are done for Israel’s benefit according to His great mercy and compassion. Eternal One: Surely, these are My people, and they will be true to Me. My children will not try to deceive Me. And indeed, God became their Savior. And when they suffered, God suffered too; And the messenger of His presence acted to save them. Out of enduring love, compassion, and concern, God Himself rescued them. Through all those years long ago, God picked them up and carried them through.

When I can’t stand, You carry me.

When I fall, You pick me up.

When I cry, You wipe my tears.

When I’m sad, Compassion sits right beside me.

When I’m drowning, You reach down and pull me to the surface. 

When all I see is darkness, Goodness shines brightly through. 

When I need hope, You perform a miracle.

When I’m in trouble, You rescue me.

When shame engulfs me, Love doesn’t budge. 

When I suffer, You’re suffering too. 

When I cannot give one bit more, You keep giving and giving and giving.

When I can’t find it within me to love, Love persists and fills and overflows

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