Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Walking to Easter: 1st Station of the Cross

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Pilate condemns Jesus to death

Matthew 27:24-26 “Pilate said, “I’m washing my hands of responsibility for this man’s death. From now on, it’s in your hands. You’re judge and jury.” The crowd said, “Indeed let His blood be upon us – upon us and our children!”……And he handed Jesus over to be crucified.

The people took the roll of judge and jury when they condemned Jesus to die. They thought they knew right from wrong. And they were convinced that Jesus was wrong. They were sure that he deserved death. It’s black and white, or so they thought. He’s a blasphemer. He hangs out with sinners. He doesn’t obey our rules. He doesn’t live up to our requirements. He must be a sinner. 

So they handed Jesus over to Pilate, who handed him back to them, who turned their back on their Creator. They turned their back on the God they thought they were worshiping. They thought they knew. They thought it was clear. And with that, they condemned their own God to death. 

This is what happens when I take on the role of judge and jury. More often that not, I get it wrong. I condemn what shouldn’t be condemned. I think I know right from wrong, but perhaps I’m not seeing the whole picture. I have convictions, but could they be misled? And even if I’m right, is it my place to judge and convict and hand out verdicts? Even Jesus, when experiencing false accusations, torture, and even death, did not lash out or reprimand those who were doing this to him. He just took it. Even though he knew he was right, he let them take out their violence and hatred on him.

Perhaps I’m not meant to say what is evil and what is good. That’s what started in the Garden of Eden and continues to today: people taking on the role of God. People taking on a job that is not ours to take. And maybe this is what Jesus wanted to show the religious people of his day and the religious people of today: Look, you’re getting it all wrong. It is not your place to condemn. You start with condemnation, and you end up crucifying the only perfect man who ever lived.  

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