Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Book Review: God And Hamilton

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God And Hamilton: Spiritual Themes from the Life of Alexander Hamilton & the Broadway Musical He Inspired

by Kevin Cloud

Have I seen the musical? No! Do I really want to see it? Yes! Even more so after reading this book and listening to the songs over and over on Pandora. This book definitely piqued my interest in the life of Alexander Hamilton as well as getting me to start looking up ticket prices for the musical. Have those prices at the Kennedy Center come down yet?

Anyway, what a life Hamilton had! Born into poverty. An immigrant and orphan from a Caribbean island. An outsider whom many prominent men did not want to accept as a leader in the Revolution or the formation of our country. Nevertheless, he became a Founding Father of the United States of America. A man who rose to and fell from power. A family man who loved his family well, only to betray them. A man who died too young. A man of drive and initiative. A man who overcame much resistance to give his God-given gifts to the world (as we all should).

This book makes Hamilton’s struggles very real and very human. He fights with issues that are relatable and raw: worthiness, shame, self-doubt, insecurities. He grapples with his faith. Where is God? What are the limits of God’s love? Can I really accept grace? In many pertinent ways, this author brings out the contradiction of Hamilton’s life and how Hamilton held that tension creatively, letting his flaws lead him into God’s unconditional love.

This author also brings out the way the musical highlighted important issues for us today. Racial prejudices are brought to the forefront by having prominent characters played by African Americans. Women’s roles are highlighted by seeing the strength of Eliza, Hamilton’s wife. She was a solid rock behind Hamilton, and after his death, continued working for this country by fighting against slavery, raising money for the Washington monument, writing her husband’s biography, and opening the first private orphanage in New York City, which continues to this day. Immigration is also featured as a main theme of the musical, due to Hamilton’s status as well as his struggle with others. It seems no matter what the era, people tend to divide and separate and isolate. Hamilton at times forgot his immigrant status and hypocritically wanted to keep others out of the country. The author challenges us to follow Jesus in welcoming all.

May this short glimpse into Hamilton’s life, Kevin Cloud’s book, and Hamilton the musical inspire you to further explore for yourself the themes of Hamilton’s life, especially God’s mercy, the power of forgiveness, and redemption. God loves us all into  resurrection. God makes all things new.

Amazon: God And Hamilton

Website: God and Hamilton

Facebook: Kevin Cloud

Twitter: Kevin Cloud

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR,Part 255.


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