An Island In The Sun
Post Views = 3923 I just returned from spending two weeks in Jamaica with two of my daughters, ages 19 and 11. We also went with another couple, who were “Jamaican veterans.” We went with Partners in Mission, a ministry of Virginia Mennonite Missions. Our purpose in going was to help out at the Maranatha…
I was nominated for a Liebster Award!
Post Views = 3700 Liebster Award I was nominated for a Liebster Award! I was nominated by Amy from astoldbyamy.com. Thank you, Amy! You should check out her blog! She is real, genuine, and encouraging. Her blog is great for young mothers, travel and missions, home and family life, and other life thoughts. You’ll enjoy…
The Good News of Holiness
Post Views = 2503 Holiness is defined in Webster’s dictionary as “dedicated or consecrated to; sacred; devoted to the service of God” or “morally and spiritually excellent.” I used to think of holiness in the “morally and spiritually excellent way”, like this: God has called us to be holy. This means I must be perfect….
Recognizing Resurrection
Post Views = 3215 Each day I awake to newness, the light brightening, yesterday behind me, the darkness being overcome, life awakening. I glance at the driveway where the puddle from yesterday has disappeared, only to reappear tomorrow when the clouds drop their rain. I hear the frogs by the pond with their ribbits and…
To Jesus On Easter
Post Views = 2342 You came into a world where everyone thought God needed to be appeased. To please God, you must sacrifice. To get close to God, you must work hard. To make God love you, you must earn it. To be accepted into heaven, here’s a list of rules to follow. …
Book Review: Until I Needed the Song
Post Views = 2758 A novel by Steven Case You can’t help but smile when you open the pages of this book. Or perhaps the smiling begins when you see the cover: God the Father, Jesus, and an angel named Abigail. This book creates a very lighthearted, whimsical look at heaven (Saint Peter’s even at…