Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

  • Our Family Values

    Post Views = 2400I recently wrote this list of family values which we have been reading together as a family every day, and trying to incorporate into our lives. Full credit must go to Brene Brown, I’ve only adapted her ” wholehearted parenting manifesto” to fit our family. I hope it’s as inspiring to you as…

  • Gemütlichkeit

    Post Views = 5371 This is my new favorite word. It’s a German word that is untranslatable into English, but I will try to define it. It’s a feeling of being cozy and contented and comfortable. It also refers to pleasantness, cheerfulness, geniality, and friendliness. Gemütlichkeit is that wonderful feeling of warmth and welcome. Let…

  • On Turning Fifty

    Post Views = 2415 Age has a way of creeping up on you that takes you by surprise. Not creeping up on you like a stealthy snake in the grass. But more like an old friend waiting for you at a corner you cross daily, surprising you with a smile, a hug, and plans to…

  • Book Review: The Divine Dance

    Post Views = 3999 The Divine Dance (The Trinity and Your Transformation) By Richard Rohr, with Mike Morrell A book only speaks if it resonates with something already deep inside of you. This book did that. It was a confirmation to me of truths already being whispered to my soul. It articulated that God was…

  • Speak To Me

    Post Views = 5080 Speak to me, wee patch of forest, growing wild and free. Speak to me of battles seen and trees plundered, Of slow growth and steadfastness, Of changes hidden and seasons sustained, Of regeneration and expectancy. Speak to me, towering tree, brave enough to shed your leaves while others still hold on….

  • Friluftsliv

    Post Views = 3908 I love learning new words. And this is one I just learned. Friluftsliv (free-loofts-liv)  is Norwegian, and it literally means “free air life.” But what it is really trying to convey is a whole philosophy about embracing nature. It is the concept that returning to nature is returning home. I want to…

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