Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

  • Saturday’s Sacred Space

    Post Views = 2006Psalm 51:7+(MSG) Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean, Scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life. (Turn my thoughts into your third-way of thinking. Turn my actions into reflections of your love.) Tune me in to foot-tapping song, Set these once-broken bones to dancing. (You’ve invited me into…

  • Friday’s Full-of-Gratitude List

    Post Views = 2539For social media… …catching glimpses into the lives of family and friends …some near, some far, some I see in person, some I don’t …catching a highlight, a joyful moment …catching a tragedy, a need for prayer …seeing a piece of their heart in a photo or a word or a meme…

  • Thursday’s Thankfulness

    Post Views = 2132~enjoying getting soaked in the falling rain (Didn’t you always love to run out in a rainstorm when you were a child? When was the last time you did that?) ~falling leaves, blown by the wind, pushed by the rain, welcomed by the ground ~the sense of falling when you let go…

  • We’re all shining like the sun!!

    Post Views = 1867Saturday’s Saying: I love this quote! What a difference this would make in our world if we saw ourselves walking around shining like the sun….if we saw others that way as well. I so want to convey this to others. You are bright…brilliant…beaming…beautiful! You have purpose…your life has a point! You’re here…

  • Thursday’s Thankfulness

    Post Views = 1942Today I’m thankful for:  ~Beginnings disguised as endings ~Philosophers, scholars, theologians, authors, artists that teach me what is noteworthy, challenge me with the unexpected, and help me to think exceptionally All life tends to grow like this, in mystery inscaped with paradox and contradiction, yet centered, in its very heart, on the…

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