Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

The Good Ol’ Days

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Bring back the good ol’ days 

The days of living my life for me

Wrapped in a cocoon and wanting to stay there

Being able to do what I want

No guilt


Bring back the good ol’ days

The days when everyone looked like me

And everyone spoke like me…English

And I didn’t have to think of how the other was treated



Give me the good ol’ days 

The days of giving no thought to my words

Of only having to think about what was true for me

Of not worrying about others taking offense because they all agreed with me

Ignorance is bliss


Give me the good ol’ days

The days of history from my perspective

Of stuffing the uncomfortable under the rug

Of not seeing the other side of town flashing across my TV screen



Please bring back the good ol’ days

When I didn’t have to speak my mind

When I could lean on the other to decide for me

When God was white and heaven was only for those in my circle



Please bring back the good ol’ days

So I don’t have to feel the others’ pain

And I don’t have let go of unintentional prejudices

And all my formulas for living continue to work in my context

Delusively content

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