Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Saturday’s Saying

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“Avoid dividing the world into “us” and “them.” If you do, you will harden your heart. There are not two worlds, one in God’s hands and the other one not. There are not two species of people either, one totally under God’s rule and the other completely outside of it.” (Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt)

This concept has been so freeing for me. I can stop dividing the world. I can stop carving it out into nice neat boxes. I can stop having to figure everyone out….who’s in and who’s out.  I can stop building walls. I can stop being the judge. I don’t have to categorize everything. It’s not up to me to separate the good from the bad. It’s not up to me to decide who’s worthy and who’s not. Why do I think I have the ability to do this, anyway? This attitude only isolates and alienates. And, wow, is it ever a burden to carry around!

When I let go of this duty to divide, I can then focus on what’s important instead of having to pick who is important and who is not. Love the Lord your God. Love your neighbor as yourself. I can start bringing the world around me together. I can start uniting unlikely people. I can find the commonalities. I can find the good, the God-given spark in each person. I can start breaking down the walls. I can be the peacemaker. I can start loving the stranger. I can start caring for the one I would’ve avoided. I’m free to love, because I don’t have to judge them first. I’m free to help, because I don’t have to limit my heart. I’m free to reach out, knowing that God is working everywhere in everyone at all times. Love doesn’t give up. Love doesn’t look away. Love mends the divide.


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