Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Perhaps Jesus prayed this as He was coming to earth….

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(loosely based on Psalm 139)

Father, examine Me.

Know Me,

Here in My mother’s womb.

But You do know Me,

For I am in You and You are in Me.


You know My actions.

You know My thoughts and words.

You have My path planned for Me.

And every moment, You are with Me,

For I am in You and You are in Me.


I was with You before.

I will be with You after.

Your hand of blessing is on Me.

Knowing this is thrilling and tremendous.

For I am in You and You are in Me.


I cannot escape from Your Spirit,

For Your Spirit is My Spirit.

Your heart is My heart.

I can’t get away from Your presence,

For I am in You and You are in Me.


I was with You in heaven.

I am with You in death.

Your hand guides Me and Your strength supports Me.

Even the darkness cannot hide Me from You.

For I am in You and You are in Me.


You are making all the delicate inner parts of My body.

You are knitting Me together in My mother’s womb.

Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex.

Your workmanship is marvelous and I know it well,

For I am in You and You are in Me.


I was with You in creation.

And now You are watching Me being formed in seclusion,

Weaving me together in the dark of the womb.

You see Me though I am not yet born.

For I am in You and You are in Me.


The days of My life are recorded in Your book.

All My life moments are laid out before You.

Your thoughts about Me are precious, Father.

I can’t count them, there are too many,

For I am in You and You are in Me.


You will be with Me in every upcoming moment.

Father, soon I will have to face the wicked.

Take the murderers and blasphemers away from Me.

Your enemies are My enemies,

For I am in You and You are in Me.


Father, these people do not know what You are like.

Shouldn’t I hate them and despise them?

But, no,

I am Your Son.

And I am in You and You are in Me.


Search Me and know My heart.

Test Me and know My thoughts.

Don’t let anything offensive sneak into My life here on earth.

Lead Me in Your path of everlasting life.

World, here We come!



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