Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

One Voice

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Five-year-old me is standing on a rough-hewn swing, 
singing in time, oblivious to voices that spring

from the church next door, “don’t grow up proud,”
“be demure,” “girls should not be loud,”

harmonious, acceptable voices – soon to reach 
my ears – burning my cheeks, not meant to impeach. 

The preacher’s daughter shrinks and into the church choir
her song integrates. Does the child ever acquire

the classical rules applied to the song in euphonies
and symmetries? I push the religiously recognized boundaries 

into clashing counterpoint and discordant dissonance, 
but only so far; preferring the hidden ambivalence

of hidden diaries slipped under a mattress, repressing 
so as not to invite critique. But the child said, “Sing!”

So I begin with tentative notes, wondering 
if my message is needed, but soon a fluttering

of response I hear, coming out of the din below,
a tune that began as one begins to grow.

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