Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Meeting Jesus

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Applesauce making in the kitchen

(as inspired by Iona Community’s Wild Goose Worship Group Resources, Present On Earth, “Four changed lives”, page 183)

Today I felt like Martha:

Cooking, paying the bills, cleaning the sheets for the next guest,

Organizing the next reunion, the next Bible study, the meals for the housebound.

I’m good at doing it all.

I keep it all going in one big balancing act,

Everything, except me.

This busyness is lonely. 

Can I ever drop the load? 

God says stop.



But my body won’t rest.

And my mind won’t be quiet.

This change is hard. 

Man in wheelchair looking up at weeping willow tree

Today I felt like the paralyzed man:

Restless, wallowing in self-pity, letting others do it for me.

I’ll rely on them to do the making, and the providing, and the reaching out. 

I’m good for nothing.

I just want to sit here feeling sorry for myself,

Except the sadness can be overwhelming.

This paralysis is dismal.

Would a miracle require too much of me?

God says get up.

Pick up your mat.


But I’m scared.

And my problems are familiar.

This change is uncomfortable.

Man sitting on a park bench by a pond with ducks

Today I felt like the rich young ruler:

Eager, doing good, living for God.

I’m the best at not stealing, and not lying, and honoring the Sabbath.

I am blessed.

I want to preserve my godliness and righteousness,

Except it feels like something is missing.

There must be something more.

What can I do to gain abundant life?

God says sell all you have.

Give it to the poor.

Follow me.

But this is ridiculous.

This is asking too much.

This change is impossible.

Child giving alms to the poor

Today I felt like the woman at the well:

Hiding from scorn, escaping from abuse, accustomed to being used.

I’m a shunned Samaritan woman, and my spirit is broken, and my soul is crushed.

I am carrying my shame.

I will never fit in or belong,

Except there’s a longing to be good.

There’s a longing for a purpose.

Does anyone understand?

God says I understand. 

I know you.

I am He.

But am I really worthy?

This change is more than I dared hope.

This change is healing.

Girl sitting on floor with black dress holding a faded rose

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