by Richard Rohr (verbal and physical response by Sandra Kay)

A reading for meditation
What is in bold was written by Father Richard Rohr. The response is mine. As Father Richard says, “These are not intellectual ideas to be understood, but inner experiences to be had.”
Instructions for leading in a group setting: One person reads the bold print. A second person responds with the light print while doing the action in parentheses.)
Instructions for private meditation: Take your time reading through each name and responding with the words and action. Pause after each one for reflection.
Pure Gift of God
I receive your gift. (Hold hands out to receive.)
Indwelling Presence
I feel your presence. (Bring hands to belly.)
Promise of the Father
I believe you. (Bring hands to temples.)
Life of Jesus
I walk beside you. (Make one hand’s fingers “walk” on the other hand.)
Pledge and Guarantee
I read your small print. (Open hands in front as if reading a book.)
Eternal Praise
I worship you. (Hold both arms up in worship.)
Defense Attorney
I’m hiring you. (Point.)
Inner Anointing
I kneel for you blessing. (Kneel if able or just bow head low.)
Reminder of the Mystery
I unknowingly believe. (Hold hands in front of face to block view.)
Homing Device
I’m following. (Move one hand away from body, reaching out.)
Knower of All Things
I’m learning. (Nod.)
Stable Witness
I’m listening. (Cup hands behind ears.)
Implanted Pacemaker
I live because of you. (Put both hands over heart and make upper hand tap a heartbeat.)
Overcomer of the Gap
I can traverse the gully because of you. (Have one hand jump over an imaginary gully into the other hand.)
Always Already Awareness
I open my eyes to you. (Put both hands open beside eyes.)
Compassionate Observer
I see things from. your perspective. (Shade eyes with one hand.)
Magnetic Center
I am drawn to you. (Lower hand, turn upward, and move body forward.)
God Compass
I walk by your direction. (Hold hand up like holding a compass and point with other hand.)
Inner Breath
I am sustained by you. (Lower hands and take a deep breath.)
Divine DNA
I am you. (Point to yourself and then point up.)
Mutual Yearning Place
I thirst for you. (Take a pretend drink.)
Given Glory
I see your reflection. (Hold one hand up like a mirror and slightly smile into it.)
Hidden Love of God
I find that love. (Draw a heart shape over your heart space.)
Choiceless Awareness
I am present to you. (Just stand with arms by your side.)
Implanted Hope
I have faith in what’s to come. (Pretend to plant a seed and then wiggle fingers upward like a growing plant.)
Seething Desire
I ache for you. (Clasp hands tightly together and make your face grimace.)
Fire of Life and Love
I am burned by you. (Reach hand out and then snap away like you’ve been burned.)
Sacred Peacemaker
I am filled by your serenity. (Move hands down and out like you’re trying to calm down.)
Nonviolence of God
I surrender. (Wave a pretend flag.)
Seal of the Incarnation
I’m your decree. (Stamp one fist into the palm of the other.)
First Fruits of Everything
I accept and I give. (Reach hands out and draw in then turn in another direction and reach hands out like you’re giving away something.)
Father and Mother of Orphans
I become a part of your family. (Hold hand up reaching for God’s hand and look up.)
Planted Law
I watch the growth. (Move flat palm facing downward from down to up, like it’s growing.)
Truth Speaker
I know you are right. (Finger to side of jaw and nod.)
God’s Secret Plan
I find you hidden in me. (Finger to lips.)
Great Bridge Builder
I am connected. (Hands joined in front of you (like a chorister).)
Warmer of Hearts
I unthaw. (Sweep hands downward.)
Space between Everything
I see no disconnects. (Bring fingers on each hand together to touch tips.)
Flowing Stream
I let you wash over me. (Move one arm across in wavy motions like a river.)
Winds of Change
I give in to your power. (Move both arms back and forth like flapping in the wind.)
Descending Dove
I am baptized by you. (Hand to top of head.)
Cloud of Unknowing
I accept the fog. (Wave one hand directly in front of face blocking your view.)
Uncreated Grace
I thank you. (One hand sign thank you in American Sign Language (Hand moves from mouth and out and down.).)
Filled Emptiness
I am your vessel. (Make a cup with one hand and pour the fingers of your other hand into it.)
I endure all things. (Make pretend goggles by eyes.)
Deepest Level of Our Longing
I have no more need. (Fold hands together under chin like you’re pleading.)
Attentive Heart
I share and you listen. (Touch heart, mouth, and ears.)
Sacred Wounding
I give you my pain. (Point to nail scars in palms (ASL sign for Jesus).)
Holy Healing
I am made whole. (Draw a circle in the air.)
Softener of Our Spirit
I feel resistance melt. (Arms extend out at sides and then down.)
Will of God
I am molded by you. (Both hands make wavy motions like you’re molding clay.)
Great Compassion
I’m understood by you. (Clasp hands, gentle smile.)
Generosity of the Creator
I see your beauty. (Move hand, palm upward, from one side to another like a panorama.)
Inherent Victory
I win because of you. (Both arms up with clenched fists in a victory sign.)
The One Sadness
I cry. (Pointer fingers draw tears down cheeks.)
Our Shared Joy
I laugh. (Flat hands beside mouth with a big open smile.)
God’s Tears
I feel deeply. (Pointer fingers at each side of mouth and pull down into a frown.)
God’s Happiness
I smile broadly. (Fingers push mouth up into a smile.)
The Welcoming Within
I am at home. (Flat hands on top of one another in middle of chest.)
New and Eternal Covenant
I am brought in by your promise. (Keep one hand on chest, move other away and out and back (waving “come”).)
Contract Written on Our Hearts
I’ve signed the dotted line. (Pretend to write your signature on other palm.)
Jealous Lover
I will never be abandoned. (Give yourself a tight hug.)
Desiring of God
I want only you. (Clasp hand move arms out and up.)

For CAC’s video meditation of this practice, click here.
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