Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

I Am From Poem

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I love “I Am From” poems, that originated from the poet George Ella Lyon  They are so good at giving you a glimpse into someone’s past and childhood, and they are fun to write. So, here is my poem I wrote back in 2012. You can find templates online to write  your own!

I am from snow fences beside the highway,

From Rook card games played by the fire

And crackers spread with peanut butter and King Syrup.

I am from the brick ranch house beside the red brick church,

Busy, warm,

Clucking chickens and bleating goats outside,

Whoopie pies just removed from the oven inside.

I am from the lilac bush,

The blue spruce

Gaining height for the same number of years

As I.


I’m from harmonic voices around the piano and

Eyes that smile at orange sunsets and deep fall colors,

From Eberlys and Baers.

I’m from the loud German voices

And the hard-working hands,

From “a family that prays together stays together” and

“If the church doors are open, we’re there.”

I’m from simplicity,

Taking only what you need,

Use it up and don’t waste.


I’m from Anabaptist faith,

Silver queen corn, scrapple in the fall and

Canned fruits lining a basement shelf.

From the call of Ben to start a Sunday School in Stephens City,

The call of parents to open their home

To friends and strangers both.


I am from spring planting, summer swimming,

Fall raking and winter snowmen.

I am from black-and-white baby pictures,

Playing church with the cows,

Music competitions and outdoor wedding receptions.

I am from family.

I am from Jesus first.

I am from you.


-written by Sandra Horst Snodgrass, Christmas 2012

2 responses to “I Am From Poem”

  1. Gina Avatar

    I love this! It describes you so well. Miss you deeply! (((Hugs)))

  2. Sandra Kay Avatar
    Sandra Kay

    Thank you! Miss you too! Lots of love to you!

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