Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Good Friday

= 863

I want Easter. I want hope and joy and excitement. I want resurrection. I want the bright colors and the songs of glory. I want parades and games and celebrations. 

But how do I get there? The only way to get to the excitement of this transformation is by walking through the darkness first. Taking the path of shadows. Accepting night. Embracing death. Facing the worst, as Jesus did, with love and forgiveness.

Only by way of the cross can we emerge to resurrected life. Only by recognizing Jesus not as a substitute for us, but in solidarity with us, can we learn how to face the worst and come out the better. May the cross be more than just a set of memorized words and rote regurgitation. May the cross be my path to hope and joy and freedom.

Freedom from an angry God as I see the God of love hanging there.

Freedom from a fear of God as I see a God no longer demanding sacrifice but  practicing it instead. 

Freedom from a faith that believes something must be wrong with me if I face suffering or sickness or hurt or poverty, as I see a perfect God accepting the worst trials this life has to throw and coming through it with amazing grace.

Freedom from the pressure to earn my way closer to God by performing my religious duties, by realizing it’s God who is coming closer to me

Freedom from the worry of having to believe and say all the right words and doctrines, as I see God accepting a thief who didn’t know. 

Freedom from thinking too much of myself, as I see God silencing the authorities.

Freedom from thinking too little of myself, as I see God commissioning the women at the foot of the cross and at the entrance to his empty tomb

My former beliefs, my former behaviors, my former worries are all stripped away as I walk the path of the cross, and I am left with nothing. Nothing but Jesus’ sad gaze toward me and my sad gaze toward him. That’s God hanging on the tree, suffering through my worst moments with me. And I realize, I could really love a God like that

This is the path to resurrection.   

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