Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Good Friday

= 1099
Why do we call it “good”                                                                                     when it showed the worst of humanity,                                                                the revenge and the spite and the barbarity?
But love drove the spectacle. Mercy propelled him to act. 
Why do we call it “good’                                                                                         when it’s full of suffering,                                                                                                 the pain and the loss and the death?
But solidarity was uniting. Empathy was drawing all.
Why do we call it “good”                                                                                           when a blood sacrifice was demanded,                                                                              a propitiation and a slaughter and a retribution?
But this was cancelled. Restoration was taking place. 
Why do we call it “good”                                                                                            when death had the last word,                                                                                       the darkness and the disruption and the hopelessness?
But something better was coming. Change was taking place.
The Roman cross was becoming the Tree of Life.                                               Violence was becoming grace.                                                                           Betrayal was becoming forgiveness.                  
A hate crime was becoming a resurrection.

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