Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

God of the Betwixt and Between

= 920

“In the beginning.”

God created.

God the artist.

God the imaginative.

A never-ending supply of ideas brought forth into beauty and light. 


“God named the light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night’.”

Light and darkness.

Day and night.

But also brushstrokes of color: pink sunrises and purple sunsets, the merging dawn and the fading dusk.


“Let the waters above part from the waters below.”

Sky and land. 

Blue and green.

But also a melding of both: watery clouds holding and releasing, the rain and the hail and the snow sharing the space.


“Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.”

Land and seas. 

Dry and wet.

But then the blending: boggy marshes and swampy fens, such a variety of landforms holding the two together.


“God made the two great lights – the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. – and the stars.” 

Sun and moon. 

And the stars.

But so much more: planets and meteors, asteroids and black holes, stars hundreds of times more massive than our sun. 


“God created the great sea monsters…and every winged bird of every kind.” 

Water creatures and sky creatures. 

Those that swim and those that fly.

But also some alloys: a winged penguin that swims but doesn’t fly, a duck that is comfortable in water and sky.


“Male and female he created them.”

Man and woman.

Boy and girl.

Made in the image of God: the Eternal One who is neither male nor female, a creation of two with room for such diversity.


“And God said that it was very good.”

The God of more.

The God of endless creativity.

The God of the betwixt and between.

The God of the sunset, and the cloud, and the bog, and the asteroid, and the penguin.

Help my unbelief!

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