Can you feel it?
The rhythm of the heart
The rhythm of the blood
The rhythm of the earth
Thud, Thud, Thud
Woosh, woosh, woosh
A never-ending beat
A repetitive constant
Pumping life
Pumping oxygen
Pumping energy
Into the rhythm of the universe
The rhythm of the cell
The relentless rhythm
Never giving up
Until it’s consumed
By the One Great Rhythm of it all
A beat that doesn’t stop
A beat that connects
A beat for all the living
A beat beginning in
The One Great Heart
A beat ending in
The One Cosmic Rhythm
But it doesn’t stop
Can you feel it?
Take it
Go with it
Join the beat
Let it move you beyond
Weaving yours uniquely
Completing theirs profoundly
A collaboration
A participation
A connection
To each other
And to the One Great Life
I hear the drumming
Dare I step closer?
Dare I join in?
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