Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"


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My favorite name for God is “Emmanuel” meaning “God with us.” Can we wrap our thoughts around that? “God with us.” The Creator of all, the Creator of the entire universe, coming down to earth to be one of us; to be a baby and grow up here like we do. Our God, here with us.

Picture the earth from God’s viewpoint then and now: so much darkness, hatred in many hearts, ugly words being voiced, greed, poverty, selfishness, divisions, lonely people throughout, but faith found in this corner; war popping up in so many places, but peace practiced over there; people trying to make themselves bigger and bigger, justice for the wealthy, most just doing their own thing, but kindnesses being shown in bright spots; suspicions rising, worshiping of false gods whether they are recognized as such or not, a little hope springing up everywhere.

God sees it and cries. And perhaps gets angry, too. Should this mess be destroyed? But, no. God cares too much. God knows each person desperately needs to know love. The Creator sees how much we don’t understand, and wants us to understand. Signs have been sent to help people comprehend, but they don’t get it. “Israel lumbers along oblivious to God, despite all the signs, ignoring God.” (Hosea 7:10) Prophets were sent to bring God-recognition, but the people still didn’t get it. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!” (Matthew 23:37) Scriptures were written to try to show God’s great love, but it was still too hard to grasp. “You hold your hand up high, God, but they don’t see it. Open their eyes to what you do, to see your zealous love for your people.” (Isaiah 26:11) So, God decides the only way to truly get people to understand is to become one of them. “God with us.” “Perhaps,” God thought, “if I go to them myself, they will know. They will see. This is God. And I love them.”

So God comes. Light comes. Peace comes. Love comes. To a stable in Bethlehem. To our hearts. Do we get it? Have we truly believed?

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