Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Cory And The Seventh Story

= 3319

CBy Brian D. McLaren and Gareth Higgins

Illustrated by Heather Lynn Harris

Ahhh! Children’s books! They are my favorite. One of the things I miss most since my children have become teenagers and young adults is storytime. Snuggling on the couch, everyone gathered around, looking at the brilliant pictures and the succinct message of a children’s story. This new children’s book by Brian McLaren and Gareth Higgins does not disappoint. The pictures by Heather Harris are captivating, drawing you in. And the message of the story is one you can discuss with your children for many, many years to come. 

This is a story about “us” and “them”. In other words, how do “we” relate to “them”? How do we regard others? What prejudices are engrained in us? How do we handle difficulty and loss? How do we build a better world? As we follow Cory the Raccoon around on his explorations, we learn how people typically respond to others in this world. This book presents six ways we typically handle “them”. 

1-We use power to defeat others.

2-We use revenge to get even with others.

3-We use walls to keep others out.

4-We use superiority to shame others.

5-We use pressure to make others conform. 

6-We use wealth to control others. 

Are these our only options? Is there a better way to relate? This book presents an alternative. Cory eventually meets a horse poet, who shows Cory a new way. This new way begins with an invitation to a shared meal. All the animals are invited, even the outcasts, giving them places of honor. The animals are asked to come without pretense. Come as you are. Come with an open heart and mind.  Displays of wealth and power are not allowed at the table. Once the animals are gathered, differences are celebrated, and conformity is no longer promoted. As the meal begins, conversations start. Stories are shared. Hearts are opened. 

A new story begins to emerge. It is a story of fairness and not striking back, of facing problems and not letting differences divide, of compassion and not greed, of peace and love. “We have more than enough in the story of love. Each is for all of us, and all are for each of us.” Have we listened to the poet? Have we listened to Jesus? His story is still alive in hearts around the world. Let’s sit around the table and talk. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR,Part 255.

Cory and The Seventh Story Website

Brian McLaren Website

Gareth Higgins Website

The Porch Magazine

Ireland Retreats

Movies and Meaning

The New Story Festival

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