Category: Spiritual Resources for Personal Use or in Group Settings
Advent 2020 – Day 6 Grace
Post Views = 647Grace is defined as “the free and unmerited favor of God.” (Merriam-Webster dictionary) Think about that. God favors you! The Eternal One favors each one of us. The Creator of the universe became one of us because of this favor, this grace. That’s today’s word: GRACE. Grace to me is incomprehensible and beautiful and freeing and empowering. It’s better than…
Advent 2020 – Day 5 Simplicity
Post Views = 734Think about this: God, the Creator of the universe, didn’t ask for a crown or a palace or fancy clothes or even guaranteed food each day. No, this God came as a baby born to ordinary parents. A crib wasn’t even asked for. This baby was born in a barn and laid…