Category: Spiritual Resources for Personal Use or in Group Settings
Advent 2020 – Day 19 A Christmas Poem
Post Views = 901AMAZING PEACE: A Christmas Poemby Maya Angelou Thunder rumbles in the mountain passesAnd lightning rattles the eaves of our houses.Flood waters await us in our avenues. Snow falls upon snow, falls upon snow to avalancheOver unprotected villages.The sky slips low and grey and threatening. We question ourselves.What have we done to so…
Advent 2020 – Day 18 Blessing
Post Views = 709BLESSING means favor or approval. We normally think that God is giving us blessings when we are safe, secure, surrounded by good time and good friends, financially well-off with a big house and expensive car, and everything is going well in our lives. That’s when we are blessed! This is not, however, what is often stated…