Category: Spiritual Resources for Personal Use or in Group Settings
Advent 2020 – Day 21 Integrity
Post Views = 650We usually think of INTEGRITY as honesty. Having INTEGRITY means being morally upright and having good character. I think, however, that there is much more meaning packed behind this simple word. I think INTEGRITY means being true to who I really am, to my real self, my true self. This self is an inner strength that not only…
Advent 2020 – Day 20 Humility
Post Views = 669HUMILITY. Releasing one’s hold on self and ego and pride. Meekness. Finding an inner fortitude of resiliency and vulnerability and buoyancy. These are difficult words. We want to assert ourselves. We want our own way. We want to do things that make us look good. How humiliating was it for Jesus to…