Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Category: Reviews

  • Book Review: The Light Way

    Post Views = 1154God’s Tools for a Healthy, Happy, Long Life by Jessica Mutunga, FDN-P If you want a quick and easy read covering the basics of choosing a healthy lifestyle, this book is for you. The author concisely flies through a wide variety of topics including growing your own food, using herbs, exercise, the…

  • Book Review: Last Stop On The Z Train (and other fantastic stories to read while waiting for the train)

    Post Views = 1475Stories by Jason Storbakken Paintings by Pairoj Pichetmetakul Like the subtitle suggests, this is a book of individual stories you can read quickly anytime and anywhere, on the subway or on a plane, at the doctor’s office or while waiting for your kid to finish baseball practice, at a stoplight or any…