Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Category: My Faith Journey

  • Friluftsliv

    Post Views = 3898 I love learning new words. And this is one I just learned. Friluftsliv (free-loofts-liv)  is Norwegian, and it literally means “free air life.” But what it is really trying to convey is a whole philosophy about embracing nature. It is the concept that returning to nature is returning home. I want to…

  • Silence

    Post Views = 5888 The silence of early mornings. This is my time. My favorite part of the day. Often I’m the first one up in the house. I can read, meditate, pray, write, correspond, check social media, all in the silence. This is precious silence. And then there is uncomfortable silence. If I’m home by…