Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Advent 2020 – Day 7 Love over Fear

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What were the angels’ first words to the shepherds on the first Christmas night? “Fear not!” (Luke 2:10) Those same words were uttered by angels earlier to Zechariah (Luke 1:13), to Mary (Luke 1:30), and to Joseph (Matthew 1:20). Fear not. Do not be afraid. Perhaps God is encouraging you not to fear this Advent season. Do not be terrified. Do not live in dread of the future. Do not be troubled. Keep your chin up. Lift your eyes to the light. Reach your arms out to LOVE

We have much to be afraid of: the unknown future, economic losses, Covid-19, cancer, other life-threatening illnesses, political tyranny, rejection, loss of reputation, and I’m sure you can think of more. What makes us able to live amidst all the uncertainty and scariness of life? I believe it is LOVE. LOVE gives us security, hope, comfort, and courage

Today’s word is LOVE. LOVE is not just an idea or an emotion. LOVE is God. LOVE is God with us and God within us. LOVE makes it possible for us to believe in impossibilities. LOVE holds us when we can’t hold ourselves together. LOVE gives us boldness to believe and act. LOVE sings to us of expectation. And LOVE is for eternity. 

“Love will never invoke fear. Perfect love expels fear.” ! John 4:18

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