Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Advent 2020 – Day 21 Integrity

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We usually think of INTEGRITY as honesty. Having INTEGRITY means being morally upright and having good character. I think, however, that there is much more meaning packed behind this simple word. I think INTEGRITY means being true to who I really am, to my real selfmy true self. This self is an inner strength that not only connects me to my authentic self, but it also connects me to all around me. For my true self comes from God and is revealed by God as a supporting wall in God’s house, which is all of creation. So, INTEGRITY shows me that I’m not only connected to God but to you and you and you and you. 

I have often read and reread these verses found in Colossians 3:3-4, “Your new life, which is your real life – even though invisible to spectators – is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you’ll show up, too – the real you, the glorious you.”

This genuine self comes from Christ, who I define as the Incarnate God, wherever that is found. Christ teaches me who I really am. Christ shows me that I am a child of God, made in the image of the Creator. Does this mean I’m just a carbon copy of some deity? No! I am a unique being, created with special, distinctive qualities, custom-made by the Builder himself. Each one of us is made specifically and uniquely, but all are made to be a part of this house built by the Creator. 

Does this house have INTEGRITY? Yes, if each of us is true to ourselves, and aware of our connection to all others and to the Whole. INTEGRITY is about this solidarity, this state of being undivided, unified, and consistent. I’m learning that it is not about just trying to squeeze into some spot, trying to fit into one place in the house just so I can be like everyone else around me, just so I can please others’ expectations. If we all did that, then house would collapse. No, INTEGRITY is about finding where I’m meant to go, my unique purpose, my distinct being. May Christ continue to lead me on this journey of discovery and acceptance. 

“God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are.” Romans 8:16

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