Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

Advent 2020 – Day 20 Humility

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HUMILITY. Releasing one’s hold on self and ego and pride. Meekness. Finding an inner fortitude of resiliency and vulnerability and buoyancy. These are difficult words. We want to assert ourselves. We want our own way. We want to do things that make us look good. How humiliating was it for Jesus to become human? How humiliating was it for Mary to become pregnant before being married? How humiliating was it for Joseph to accept Mary’s condition? What does it take to live humbly and act selflessly? Acts of HUMILITY can only be done where there is great love.

In the spirit of 1 Corinthians 13 (“the love chapter”), here are some words to help you reflect on this concept of HUMILITY. 

Humility waits

It doesn’t push its way forward

It doesn’t preach the loudest

It doesn’t write the final word

It doesn’t refuse to surrender

It doesn’t insist on “my way or the highway”

Humility seeks

It crosses the road to be kind

It carries burdens cheerfully

It considers the best in the other because it sees the reasons underneath

It cares for the ugly

It completes the circle, pulling it together and filing it in

Humility holds

It never grabs for more

It never rants nor rages

It never looks longingly at the house next door

It never calls others names

It never brags about its latest and greatest accomplishments

Humility reclines

It seeks not attention

It seeks not to offend

It seeks not to annoy

It seeks not to see an enemy fall

It seeks not a list of last year’s wrongs

Humility lingers

It delights when truth is shown even if proving one’s own words wrong 

It delights in sacrificing for another

It delights in its own limitations knowing this means more in another

It delights in faith that is built on love

It delights in rising trust

Humility anticipates

Its hope sees things getting better

Its hope awaits more of you and less of me

Its hope surmounts possibility

Its hope believes love wins

Its hope lasts forever

“Don’t let selfishness and prideful agendas take over. Embrace true HUMILITY, and lift your heads to extend love to others. Get beyond yourselves and protecting your own interests; be sincere, and secure your neighbors’ interests first.” (Philippians 2:3-4)

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