Hello! Welcome to my blog! I hope I can get to know you, but in the meantime, here’s a little about me. I’m a life-long learner, introverted journal-keeper, writer, thinker, reader, music teacher, and a work in progress. My faith has gone through many changes in the past ten years and it’s hard to find words to describe this part of my life. But I am still a seeker of God, of Jesus, and of meaning in life. I’m the wife of a caring and tenderhearted and fun-loving man who has partnered with me in raising 3 beautiful daughters, and now 2 sons-in-law, and 4 grandchildren. We’ve also committed our lives to caring for an individual with special needs who lives with us full-time. He’s a part of our family too! I love sharing life with these people! And I love sharing my thoughts with you. I write about life, aging, children, parenting, spirituality, travel, and more.

My deepest desire is to communicate with you the radical grace and love of God, to challenge you to think outside the boundaries you’ve put up around you, and to find hidden gems of beauty and rest all around.
So, sit back, relax, and let your soul begin to listen!