Let’s Be The Church
Post Views = 921Not a place to go, nor a group to belong to, nor a club to attend. But wherever I see God, love being born, kindness being spread. Not a group who looks just like me, thinks like me, believes like me. But a diverse crowd of every race, every gender, every worldview. …
Practicing Presence
Post Views = 854My word for this year of 2021 is PRESENCE. I am starting to explore this concept. How can I be aware of the immediate? How can I love in “the now”? When things are in chaos around me, such as what happened in our nation’s capital this week, how can I remain present…
A Look Back at 2020 (& hope in 2021)
Post Views = 760This was a year to remember…a year of changes, a year of handling disruptions, a year of great difficulty for some, a year of growth for others. Many faced unemployment, health crises, devastating losses, and separation from loved ones. Misunderstandings, prejudices, and divisions were brought to the forefront in the news and in our…
Advent 2020 – Last Day of Advent
Post Views = 1288It’s here! Our waiting has come to an end. The arrival of Christmas. For you, maybe it means a day off. A day of traditions. A day of favorite foods. A day for family. A day of giving. A day of receiving. A day of music. A day of reflection. A day…
Advent 2020 – Day 25 Creation
Post Views = 1119Here are some thoughts to mediate on today about the mystery of CREATION and the mystery of Jesus and the mystery of incarnation. First, a look at the introduction to the gospel of John. John 1:1-3 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was…
Advent 2020 – Day 24 Solidarity
Post Views = 847How distracted I am by the material aspects of Christmas: the gifts and the lights and the shopping and the decorations? I so easily forget the real meaning of Christmas, walking right past that nativity with barely a glance. When was the last time I knelt before the manger? Oh, sure, the…