Good News or Bad News?
Post Views = 574What message are we hearing from the church in America today? Is it truly good news or is it bad news? Is it full of fear or hope? Is it showing a way of punishment or a way of grace? Is it showing God as vengeful or God as loving? The church…
18 Bits of Advice for My 18-Year-Old (as she leaves home for college)
Post Views = 392(I found a shortened version of this list written down in a journal notebook of mine from quite a while ago. I’m not sure where it came from, but I think I saw it somewhere online. So, I don’t know who to give credit to for the original list, but I have…
Litany of the Holy Spirit
Post Views = 835by Richard Rohr (verbal and physical response by Sandra Kay) A reading for meditation What is in bold was written by Father Richard Rohr. The response is mine. As Father Richard says, “These are not intellectual ideas to be understood, but inner experiences to be had.” Instructions for leading in a group…
Book Review: The Back Side Of The Cross
Post Views = 853by Diane Leclerc and Brent Peterson Have you ever asked yourself what Jesus dying on the cross really means? Have you ever questioned the wrath of the Father demanding the sacrifice of the Son? Have you or someone you know shied away from God because the way God has been portrayed has…
Tuesday’s Tune
Post Views = 495“Though we’re strangers, still I love you I love you more than your mask And you know you have to trust this to be true And I know that’s much to ask But lay down your fears, come and join this feast”. ~Rich Mullins “Peace” (cover by Derek Webb) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kKyNSg0qbw
Where am I this Holy Week?
Post Views = 413Am I on the street singing, “Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord,” waving my palm branch in His honor, but oblivious to much of who He is, and unwilling to follow Him down this road of descent? Or am I riding with…