Bits of Being

thoughts on life, faith, family….and, yes, just learning to "be"

18 Bits of Advice for My 18-Year-Old (as she leaves home for college)

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(I found a shortened version of this list written down in a journal notebook of mine from quite a while ago. I’m not sure where it came from, but I think I saw it somewhere online. So, I don’t know who to give credit to for the original list, but I have tweaked it and added to it and changed it and tried to make it my own.)

  1. Every day find something to appreciate. Look for “glimmers,” those things that make you smile and bring you joy! (I read somewhere that “glimmers” are the opposite of “triggers” and I like the concept of looking for those things that we react to positively versus those things that we react to negatively.)
  2. Enthusiastically go after your dreams. What life have you dreamed of? What kind of person do you want to be? What can you do today to take small steps toward those dreams? Never limit yourself!
  3. Believe in Something or Someone bigger than yourself. Life isn’t just about you, but you are about Life! There is a greater meaning and a greater purpose behind the universe. Seek the Someone who is behind it all. And seek how you are connected to it all. Discover your true self, letting go of your superficial self, and becoming the person you were truly created to be.
  4. Go after the things you believe are important. Don’t live your life to fulfill others’ expectations, but live according to your own beliefs. Others will give you all kinds of advice, but it’s up to you to take it or leave it. Don’t let others just tell you what to do. Find out what is important to you, and live for those things.
  5. Be okay with pushing yourself. Don’t limit yourself, and don’t let negative thoughts creep into your mind, telling you you’re incapable. You aren’t incapable! You are smart and strong! You are more than enough!
  6. Seek meaning not money. Money won’t make you happy. Money won’t fulfill you. Find what is meaningful to you in life, and pursue that. 
  7. Find a job you love. So much of our time is dedicated to working. Discover what it is you love and want to do as a job and go for it! 
  8. Don’t accumulate too much stuff. The more we buy and accumulate, the more we are tied down and committed to caring for that stuff. Make life about experiences and relationships, not stuff.
  9. Find meaning by helping others and loving others. I believe all of us are put on this earth to make life better for others somehow. You will find more happiness and fulfillment in yourself when you reach out to help others and to love others. Relationships make your life rich!
  10. Encourage others, don’t compete with them. Don’t view others as competition. Reach out to those around you and find ways to lift their spirits. Be the person who cares and supports.
  11. Make new friends. You are going somewhere new, where you don’t know anyone yet. Open yourself up to making new, deep, lasting friendships.  
  12. Embrace the life that is around you, not just what you see online. Social media can be fun, and it can even be good. But it can also be toxic if you are living your life through it or believing only what you see or read online. Engage with those around you. Find life in what is around you in the real world.
  13. Tidy up after yourself. Others will appreciate this. And you’ll be able to enjoy your home more if it is clean and neat. It only takes a wee bit of extra effort every day to do this. (And it will also prevent bugs and mold from invading your living space!)
  14. Take care of your physical health. It is important. Knowing your family background for certain diseases, preventive health care is vital. Exercise. Think about your diet. Get good sleep. Talk to someone if you need help with mental or emotional health.
  15. Find people who inspire you and encourage you. Find good coaches. Reach out to people who can teach you. Let others motivate you. Be a lifelong learner.
  16. Always be open to trying new things. Life can get mundane. But don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut. Try something new today!
  17. Keep growing and enjoy the growing process. Don’t stagnate. Don’t think you already have achieved it all or know it all. Keep learning. Keep growing.
  18. And last but not least, always keep in touch with your mom and dad…and often! We’re your biggest supporters and we want to hear what’s going on in your life!

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